Your admission to AllianceHealth Durant will be arranged in advance by your doctor. Your doctor's office will tell you when to arrive at the patient registration department. It is important that you arrive on time, especially if surgery is scheduled for the next morning, so any necessary tests can be completed.
Before You Arrive
- Consent for Treatment
You, or a responsible person authorized to sign for you, will sign consent or release forms during your hospital stay. These forms allow hospital personnel to administer medications and treatment, to perform physician-ordered procedures and to release your records to your insurance company.
- Tobacco-Free Policy
For everyone's health, safety and well-being, any tobacco products are prohibited in all buildings and areas inside and outside of the hospital for patients, visitors, employees and physicians.
- Personal Belongings/Valuables
All jewelry and other valuables, including money, credit cards and personal checks, should be left at home or sent home. The hospital does not accept responsibility for the loss of personal belongings or cash.
When You Arrive
- Remember to Bring
We will need any insurance card(s), Medicare card or Medicaid card, a list of current medications that you are taking and your driver's license or verification of address. Other items you may wish to bring for your hospital stay are eye glasses, hearing aids, pajamas, robe and slippers, toothbrush and toothpaste, comb, brush and other personal hygiene items. Electric appliances and AC/electrical adapters must be checked for safety. Please make this request through your nurse. Please mark your clothes and other personal items with your name. The hospital is not responsible for lost items.
- Do NOT Bring
For security reasons, please do not bring valuables of any kind, such as jewelry, large sums of money or credit cards to the hospital. For those patients unable to send valuables home, the admitting office will accept a limited amount of valuables for safekeeping and issue a receipt for those items to the patient. These items will be released to the patient or responsible party upon presentation of the valuables receipt and identification to a staff member.
Going Home
AllianceHealth Durant will work with you and your family to determine the best care for you after discharge. Your physician and healthcare team will discuss discharge plans with you as your recovery progresses.
Upon discharge, you will be escorted to your ride home. A quick stop by the business office/cashier may be necessary to complete paperwork or financial arrangements.
If you have valuables locked in the hospital's safe, you may retrieve them from the business office cashier at any time during the office's normal business hours.
If your discharge is planned for after hours or on the weekend, please make certain the business office cashier is contacted so arrangements can be made for the return of your valuables.
Patient Surveys/Follow-up
AllianceHealth Durant constantly seeks to improve patient services and wants you to be completely satisfied with the services we provide. In addition, we also use surveys to obtain feedback from patients about their stay. After your discharge from our facility, you may be selected to receive a survey and answer questions regarding your hospital experience. Your open and honest comments and suggestions are appreciated. They are instrumental in assisting us to improve the care we provide to patients.