Stroke Care
When a patient comes to the hospital with stroke symptoms, it's crucial to make a proper diagnosis quickly in order to begin treatment to minimize the effects of a stroke. The stroke care team at AllianceHealth Durant delivers potentially life-saving care for ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, and can perform treatment options such as:
- Angioplasty and stent placement to open blocked arteries and veins
- Embolizing agents (clotting medications) delivered by catheter to stop blood flow resulting from hemorrhagic strokes
- Thrombolitic therapy to deliver clot-dissolving medicine to treat ischemic strokes
- Minimally invasive surgery to remove a clot or repair arteries and veins
Following a stroke, rehabilitation care is there to help individuals regain their independence. The multidisciplinary rehabilitation team at AllianceHealth Durant provides caring, personalized assistance to help patients meet their goals.